Friday, February 17, 2012

And the Winners are IN!!!

We only had a few entries in our Friday challenge last week, but that is no problem at all!  Thank you for everyone who visited this week!  Look for more challenges to come as we will probably continue doing this once a month.  We decided to reward everyone that put there wonderful paragraphs out there!  Both contestants will receive the Barnes and Noble gift card.  Email me us your info at

The winning paragraphs were:


“He was standing right there in the doorway when he told me he was going to fight the Nazis. I told him he was too young and to listen to his mother. I could hear her wailing from all the way back at the farmhouse. He just said he knew what he had to do. I wanted to scream at him that he was stupid and demand he get back to his chores, but how could I be angry with him for defending his country? For saying all the things I had said to my father when I was his age. He took my hand and shook it with such strength and conviction I almost believed he was invincible. I held on to the feeling for two years until the Army came to my door. They told me he had died a hero. All I could see was the image of my beautiful boy standing before me that day. So much a man but still so much the child I played catch with for hours after dark in the fields. I have not so much as set foot in that barn since.”

February Grace

I’ll never forget the sound of the rain, the way it pounded so heavily on the roof of abandoned barn. I’ll never forget how the wind raged through the spaces in the boards and made me shiver, or the feeling of his soaking wet hair against my cheek as he leaned in to whisper that I was beautiful. I’ll never forget that I was the Preacher’s daughter and he was the Schoolmaster’s son and we were never going to be forgiven for what we’d done that day if anyone found out. I’ll never forget how he looked at me, the love in his eyes that I’d never seen before in anyone else and still see there, to this day, even as our daughter reaches the age I was then. I will always remember that despite the Hell that fell down on us both, I have never regretted a single thing.

Next week we have picked some fun writing exercises for everyone to give a try!  Have a great weekend everyone!  As for us we are off to another fun-filled travel weekend of hockey!



  1. Uh, this photo is all sorts of awesome. Congrats to the winners.

  2. Aloha guys,

    *Thanks* for the follow, and am doing the same! Congrats also on finishing the first book... that's awesome, and good luck with it :)

  3. Sweet! Congrats to the winners.

    I gave you a Shout-Out on my blog today, just so you know. :)

  4. Thank you David! We appreciate it. I need to get caught up on my blog visiting as I was in a hockey rink all weekend:)

  5. Oh, my, I am so sorry we didn't see this sooner. My brother was in ICU with serious heart problems last week so both Takket and I were tied up taking care of him between the time he got out of the hospital and when he went home yesterday.

    As I emailed you previously, I had no idea that Takket was going to enter the contest after I did (we are married) but we've just discussed it and while we SO appreciate your wonderful, generous offer we couldn't possibly take the gift cards being that the turn out was so light this time.

    It is of course up to you what you want to do with them but we would rather you either save them for your next contest (sweeten the pot a little for enticing more entries maybe?) or use them to buy some books for your family. That would make us happy :~)

    Am following and will look forward to future contests and blog updates!


    PS if you want to hear the above again from Takket himself I am sure he will come by to comment but he is sitting right next to me LOL so he concurs. Thank you again the contest was a GREAT exercise (and I think he was the clear cut winner, honestly!)

  6. Oh my goodness February I am so sorry that you had to spend time worrying! It's hard seeing a loved one so sick. We can save them for the next contest as long as you and Takket promise to participate:)
