The most exciting news though came when we learned our daughter had an audition for the American Girl franchise. After several phone calls with her agent, who is out of Chicago, we learned that this audition would include a multitude of opportunities. Initially, it will be photo shoots for the magazine and Christmas catalog, but will stem the chance for them to use her in the actual movies and possibly creating a doll in her likeness. I personally thought that alone was pretty cool!

My beautiful red-haired nine year old is my biggest concern. As of late she tends to mope around the house seeming to be depressed. Nothing seems to get her out of it including appearances from her beloved Nick Jonas on television. Her main focus seems to have nothing to do with anything except playing outside which I understand is normal for her age. Of course, playing outside in our area consists of grabbing a video camera and shooting a movie until the sun sets or practicing their latest band moves in my garage.
Then of course there is always rejection, which
unfortunately she has yet to learn to shake off with a grain of salt. It's a hard thing to do no matter what age you are and some never learn to do it. She's visited every agent in the Omaha area and walked away with no representation. Everyone of them unafraid to say in front of her that they didn't necessarily find her marketable. Okay, so each market is different and we've learned this from being so involved in theater all of our life. So, we decided to see what other
areas would think about our Cloudya, who so much wanted to be an actress. We began to submit her dazzling smile to agents in Chicago. All it took was a month and she had obtained representation. The mom in fights the urge to rub it in our local agent's faces, but after all I am a professional.Since then she's auditioned for several movies. Recently, it seems like she is getting more and more attention from the agency which is a positive thing.

However, this trip is mainly for a photo shot which means of course they will ultimately be judging her appearance. I know it racks her little nerves and she is terrified that she will stand incorrectly or whatever. Today I've whipped out picture albums to remind her of where she's come from and no matter what they decide she is perfect in every way. In the world of entertainment which is loaded with criticism it is important to compliment and praise a person.

So tomorrow we will take off to the windy city and see what opportunity it lands her. Included today you will find various pictures of Cloudya attached to this and I hope they make you smile as they always do me.
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